From the occupied Egyptian territories

Archive for March, 2011

ليه في ناس زعلانه على حسحس

الفيديو ده بيفسر ليه في ناس متعاطفه مع حسني مبارك بعد كل عملوا فينا بجد جامد آخر حاجه

معلش بأه ياجماعه طلعوا مرضى ومحتاجين علاج

ليه هاقول “لأ” للتعديلات الدستورية

الاستفتاء ده كارثه على البلد,ده كاننا ماعملناش حاجه,كان الشهدا ماتوا على الفاضي

Iran Revolution vs. Egypt Revolution

This video above is part of the french movie Persepolis, its about the Iranian revolution,where the Islamist  took over the power in the country.

A lot of people in Egypt and of course most of the western countries fears of another Islamic country in the region.

I in the other hand don’t think too much about the Islamic danger-though the fears in theory is not outreach- but we should care more about the counter the revolution as it really going right now not just in fears and theories

In contrary we shouldn’t think too much about what happened in Iran not just in70’s but also in the 50’s; when the Iranian people throw the Shah out of his power and his ally US as usual tried and succeed to get’em back as if nothing happened

That doesn’t mean that US will be that obvious this time too,It will try to come with a solution that won’t be offensive to Egyptians,

  1. make the revolution as long as it takes so people get tired and the revolution is lost
  2. Come up with solution that fix the economy and fight corruption so the people forget that the revolution wasn’t just about ” Money”, and control the country as they wish as they doing in US itself,where they control the media and convince American that they live in the free world and they have too much freedom that they can spread all over the world it would excess.

Of course the last solution specifically would be through some of the people like Omar Mousa that some people think he’s good because he disagreed with Mubarak ” ONCE” and he talk,”talk” not “DO” well.

We should be aware that democracy needs guarding all the time,need aware people esp. here in the Arab world & of course in Egypt, need people to think  a lot, not to believe sweet Talk.

If any body think US & Israel gonna watch us taking the country from them,please think again

They wont ever stop,they will be devious and sneaky as much as they can,and we should always remember that.

And to people who are still worried about Islamic rule, don’t worry Egypt is totally different from Iran and Islamic rule won’t exist, and any kind of rule that Egyptian won’t control the country including the external affairs 100% won’t happened ever either.


ليلة القبض على امن الدوله

اللي حصل يوم 6 مارس



Omar Elbahary In military jail

So what really happened in Saturday dawn Feb.26/2011?

Some people insisted to protest in front of the parliament, demanding it to be  disbanded because the last election was outrageously forged, and when they were doing so the military police attacked them arresting a lot of them,

Next day the military council announced that all the 27 people was arrested gonna be released, but just waking up today i read in Nawara blog that one of them is in military jail after he been Applied for the military court,convected and put in military jail in ” 4 days”

A civilian applied for military court, held accountable & get convected in 4 days, without attorney, without his family knowing that he’s being applying for court, and he now have to spend 5 years, 5 whole years in jail.

According to some witness he was just protesting peacefully in front of the parliament with his friends and wife,and some soldiers started to beat him roughly,and when Dr.Swaif the witness and some other insisted they wont go without him,some officer ordered the soldier to release him,the people tried to take him to a hospital but the military police stopped their car and arrested all of them,

After a day from the incident, all of them were released but they didn’t know anything about Omar,

And later we hear that he was convicted of having a gun, but no body so any gun with him.

Spread the word as much as u can.

من اجل ثورة كاملة

مطالب يجب ان نركز عليها ونتوحد حولها

* تغيير الوزارة التي عيَّنها الرئيس المخلوع، وتعيين وزارة أخرى، يرأسها ويشغل عضويتها شخصيات نظيفة، ووجوه محبوبة ومرضيٌّ عنها من الشعب.

* إلغاء حالة الطوارئ التي لم يكن هناك أيُّ مبرر لفرضها على الشعب طيلة الثلاثين سنة الماضية، سوى إرهاب الناس وقمعهم وتعذيبهم لصالح النظام المستبد الفاسد.

* الإفراج الفوري عن المسجونين والمعتقلين السياسيين.

* إحالة قيادات جهاز مباحث أمن الدولة.. الذي مارس الإرهاب، وأذلَّ المصريين، وأثار الرعب في نفوسهم، وباشر القتل والتعذيب والاعتقال وتلفيق التهم.. إلى المحاكمة العادلة، وإعادة هيكلته من أناس يخشون الله، ويحترمون حقوق الإنسان، ويلتزمون بنصوص الدستور والقانون وأحكام القضاء.

* سرعة محاكمة الذين اتخذوا قرارات إطلاق النار على المتظاهرين، وعلى رأسهم الرئيس المخلوع ووزير الداخلية السابق ورئيس جهاز مباحث أمن الدولة، والذين نفَّذوا هذا القرار، وقتلوا المئات، وجرحوا الآلاف من المصريين.

* فتح ملفات الفساد دون استثناء، ومحاكمة أصحابها، بدايةً من الرئيس المخلوع، إلى أصغر الفاسدين.

* العمل الجادّ والسريع لاسترداد أموال الشعب المنهوبة.

الجيش و الشعب يد واحدة و لكن عقل و فكر مختلفين. فهل يستقيم الجسد؟ « M O S E S S A U R U S

الجيش و الشعب يد واحدة و لكن عقل و فكر مختلفين. فهل يستقيم الجسد؟ « M O S E S S A U R U S.